
Our Camp App

Everything at your fingertips

Download Our App

Brooks School Summer Programs is excited to offer an easy to use app, designed to enhance your experience with us. This custom app is exclusively tailored for enrolled families, ensuring smooth communication and easy access to information. Best of all, it’s free to download and use! To begin, visit your preferred app store and search for ‘Brooks School Summer Programs.’ After downloading, simply enter the activation code BSSP24 to access your account and unlock all features.


Discover the Advantages of Our App:
  • Customized Notifications: Receive tailored push notifications for your child’s specific program and group, ensuring you stay in the know.
  • Timely Reminders: Stay on top of dress-up days and special events with convenient reminders.
  • Event Calendar: Easily keep track of camp happenings with a calendar that offers a ‘save to calendar’ feature.
  • Exclusive Photo Gallery: Gain access to a private photo gallery, featuring images not available elsewhere. View, save, and share photos directly from your phone.
  • Instant Communication: Reach out to the office and program supervisors effortlessly with just a tap, using phone or email.
  • Personalized Newsfeed: Stay updated with real-time program updates and photos from your child’s experience.